Wednesday, December 31, 2014

(concept) Instagram Experience, an Instagram app for tablets

As a hobby project, I made a concept for a tablet only (landscape) Instagram app. Please don’t mind the Nexus 10 tablet (which I didn’t make, but you can find it here), or the outdated Android version. I didn’t design this with a platform in mind, it’s just to show off the experience. The app icons I used (you can find them here) are outdated compared to the ones used in the official Instagram app. As you can see, there is no way to take a picture, because I think it’s not something you should do with a 10 inch tablet. This app is a showcase of all the great pictures on Instagram.

I am not affiliated with Instagram.

Home feed

With the home feed I decided to focus on the posts and not directly on the account that posted it, because that’s what it’s all about. Think of the pictures as postcards that fly in as you horizontally scroll through the feed. Pictures could be shown larger or smaller, variation is possible.

Navigation drawer

The navigation drawer can be opened at all times. This way, you can quickly switch between the home feed, discover, likes and settings. You can also access your profile from here. I decided to add the “likes” option, because you liked posts for a reason, and I think it’s nice to be able to quickly take a look at them. The “discover” screen would work the same as the home feed, with the addition of a search button.

Profile page

The profile page shows a card with information like profile picture, number of posts, followers, followings and a follow button (when you’re not on your own profile page) on the left side. On the right side, you can find the posts, grouped by four. You can vertically scroll through them.

Photo page

When you click on a photo in the home feed, discover, likes or a profile page, you will be taken to the photo page. On the left side, you have a full-size version of the post and on the right side, the description, amount of likes and the comment section. You can like a post by double tapping it.

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