Last Wednesday, Google introduced (the name of) a new Android version and three new Nexus devices via a blog post and a few videos, that’s all. A day later, Apple held an event where they were expected to unveil a new iPad. And they did, but they already leaked them (on purpose?) on Google day.
The event was all but exciting for the most part. They started with “quick updates”, or 30+ minutes of repeating things we already knew. The iPad Air 2 is nothing more than we expected and the iPad Mini 3 was barely mentioned because it’s a bad deal. The only exciting thing was the new iMac with Retina 5K display.
If Google is an ad company, Apple is a PR company. Are these events needed? No, certainly not. But they generate hype and expectations, which are kept realistic with controlled leaks. But there are other ways to do that. It’s funny how Apple always shows how environmental-friendly their products are, but at the same time they invite people from all over the world to come to California to witness an announcement that could have been made via one simple blog post.
“It’s been way too long” was the tease on the invite. That was exactly what I thought during the event…
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